
答え 本当です。今までの人工関節手術では2〜3ヶ月、早くても1ヶ月近くの入院を必要とする病院が多かったのです。当センターでは、通常の手術でも人工股関節では1週間以内。人工膝関節でも2〜3週間以内で自宅へ一本杖をついて退院することができます。MIS(ごく小さな皮膚切開で行う痛みの少ない手術)という特殊な方法を用いれば、3〜4日から1週間、さらには希望する方には日帰り手術も可能となってきました。ただし、早く退院が可能となるためには、手術後に合併症が起こらないことが条件です。別のページにMIS、合併症について詳しく書いておきましたので、興味のある方はご覧ください。決して無理やり退院するわけではなく、無理のない計画で退院することができるように、手術前に自分の血液を800mlほど用意するなど綿密な計画を立てます。手術後の計画表も手術前に十分に説明させていただきます。

Is it true that the patient can leave the hospital within 1 weeks after the joint replacement surgery?

 Yes, it is true. Most hospitals in Japan require the patient to stay at hospital for 2 to 3 months or 1 month at shortest, after the joint replacement surgery with the conventional technique. Our institution sends the patient back to his home within 1 weeks after the hip surgery and 2 to 3 weeks after the knee surgery with use of a cane. With a special procedure called MIS (the surgery through a small skin incision), the patient can leave the hospital sometime between 3 days and 1 week after the surgery. Additionally, if requested, the patient can go home on the same day of the surgery. Please keep in mind that the early release is possible with no complications after the surgery. Please see the pages of MIS and complications for further information if you are interested. We store approximately 800 ml of the patientユs blood before the surgery and plan a reasonable early release. We do not suggest the patient to leave the hospital without an appropriate plan. The post-operative management plan is well explained to the patient before the surgery in our institution. We recommend the patient to see other pages of this website for more information of the joint replacement surgery. The length of the hospital stay depends on the patientユs condition and age. However, when the patient is eager to reduce pain in walking or aggressively wishes to travel without pain killers, it is possible for us to actually offer the patient less than 2 week hospitalization.